主講人: 國立中央大學 物理系 陳永富 副教授
Experimental studies on superconducting artificial atoms and circuit quantum electrodynamics systems
Among many physical systems, superconducting circuit is one of the most promising
candidates for applications of quantum computation and quantum information processing.
In this talk, a brief introduction to necessary superconducting circuit elements for
building quantum artificial atoms is given. The achievement of strong coupling in a
superconducting circuit scheme is discussed in analogy to cavity quantum
electrodynamics system. The experimental efforts of realizing superconducting
artificial atoms and circuit quantum electrodynamics systems in our lab is then
described. The experimental results indicate that our circuit quantum electrodynamics
systems can be in strong coupling regime, where the quantum coherence overpowers the
loss effects, and in strong dispersive regime, where the qubit state readout is
achievable. We are therefore on the way of controlling superconducting qubit state, of
observing quantum coherence in time domain, and of creating an entangled system in
superconducting circuits