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本次邀請《成功大學物理系 黃建龍教授》蒞臨演講,




演講場地:志希樓1樓 116教室

主  講  人:成功大學物理系 黃建龍教授

演講主題:To order, or not to order, that is the question: a magnetic quantum phase transition and quantum spin liquid

摘  要:

Exotic physical properties, arising from quantum mechanical interactions between quasiparticles, emerge near the boundary between magnetic order and disorder phase. In my talk, I will present experimental signatures of two such examples: (1) a ferromagnetic quantum critical point in a Ni1-xRhx alloy and (2) a three-dimensional quantum spin liquid candidate Ce2Zr2O7 pyrochlore. Both bulk materials are deemed important reference systems in which quantum effect dictates underlying physics, and, plausibly, promote emergent phenomena, such as unconventional superconductivity and quantum entanglement.



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