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本次邀請《中央研究院物理所 廖聰明 博士 》蒞臨演講,




演講場地:志希樓2樓 理學院會議室

主  講  人:中央研究院物理所 廖聰明 博士

演講主題:A General Theory of Concept Lattice with Tractable Implication Exploration

摘  要:

Our work develops a novel general theory for the problem concerning categorisation of objects according to their properties. The general concept lattice here is proposed based on the general principle that the information content should be invariant regardless how the variables/parameters are presented, thus, promises to provide a comprehensive categorisation for all the distinctive object classes according to whatever properties they are equipped with. The theory at hand is also worthwhile owing to its tractability for both the lattice structure and the logical content.

The general concept lattice permits a feasible construction that can be completed in a single scan of the formal context, though the conventional formal-concept lattice and rough-set lattice can be regained from the general concept lattice.The logic implication deducible from the general concept lattice takes the form of μ1 → μ2 where μ1, μ2 ∈ M* are composite attributes out of the concerned formal attributes M. Remarkable is that with a single formula based on the contextual truth 1η one can deduce all the implication relations extractable from the formal context. For concreteness, it can be shown that any implication ( being subsets of the formal attributes M) discussed in the formal-concept lattice corresponds to a special case of μ1 → μ2 by means of μ1 = ∏A and μ2 = ∏B . Thus, one may elude the intractability due to searching for the Guigues-Duquenne basis appropriate for the implication relations deducible from the formal-concept lattice. Likewise, one may identify those μ1 → μ2 where μ1 = ∑A and μ2 = ∑B with the implications that can be acquired from the rough-set lattice. (Here, the product ∏ stands for the conjunction and the summation ∑ the disjunction.)



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